What Are the Benefits of IV and IM Vitamins

The benefits of Intravenous (IV) or intramuscular (IM) Vitamins are that they can effectively increase your body’s intake of crucial nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. 

It does this by directly introducing these essential supplements into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum absorption.

At Laurie K Aesthetics we offer vitamin therapy for supplementary treatment only.
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Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Energy Shots benefit the stressed, fatigued, and those in need of an energy boost, making them the ultimate analeptic, to restore health and strength.

What are Vitamin B12 energy shots and how do they work?

Vitamin B is found naturally in our bodies and vital for our adequate functioning, B vitamins defend us against potentially problematic health issues. B vitamin deficiencies can affect the way in which our bodies use valuable energy. Stress, fatigue, and reduced physical energy levels are common side effects of vitaminB12 deficiency.

The benefits of B vitamin injections in the treatment of such issues have come to light within the past twenty years. Recently, the increasing popularity of veganism has made vitaminB shots more popular than ever before. 

For healthy individuals, vitaminB injections benefits include an improvement in physical wellbeing. As a moderate appetite suppressant, one of the other potential benefits of vitaminB injections is weight loss. They can be used intermittently and are a popular therapy for exhaustion, burn out. The ultimate feel good, happy shot.
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Vitamin C

Vitamin C Injections deliver pure vitamin C directly into the bloodstream via an intramuscular (IM) injection. Regular Vitamin C Injections can enhance physical wellbeing and prevent the onset of illness, this is because vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that protects the body against the effects of harmful agents.
Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant and helps to protect the body. It is vital for healthy skin, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, immunity and oral health. It also promotes and aids in healing.

Not getting enough Vitamin C can leave you feeling sluggish, run-down, prone to frequent bouts of illness, and looking tired.

Injecting Vitamin C delivers the perfect amount of this vital vitamin directly, leaving you feeling and looking fantastic. Because the injections are delivered directly into the bloodstream, they are perfect for those with sensitive stomachs, as oral supplements can irritate the stomach. The body only absorbs 15% of an oral supplement, whereas it can take in much more when it is delivered via IM or IV.

Vitamin C has a positive impact on skin pigmentation, free radicals, resistance to allergies and some health conditions.

Laurie will deliver your injection here at the Morecambe clinic.
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What are VitaminC injections and how do they work?

VitaminC is known for its positive impact on pigmentation, energy levels, free radicals, allergy resistance. This makes vitaminC injection a popular vitamin nutrient therapy choice, alongside the fact it can easily be combined with several other IV and IM injections.

Vitamin C is a powerful vitamin and antioxidant with many positive benefits.

Benefits of Vitamin C Injections
Absorbed better than oral supplements.
Reduces fatigue.
Improves the look and quality of the skin.
More gentle on sensitive stomachs.
Boosts the immune system.
Gives you more energy.

Vitamin D

Nicknamed the sunshine vitamin" (because your body produces it after sun exposure) Vitamin D has long been known to help build strong bones by increasing the body's absorption of two essential nutrients - calcium and phosphorous. It is now widely recognised that sufficient levels have a much broader range of benefits for the body, from increased energy levels to facilitating immune system function. Deficiencies in Vitamin D have been found to contribute to other illnesses.
Treatment 2-3 treatments 4 weeks apart, repeated every 6 months.
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Vitamin D

We obtain Vitamin D through certain foods in our diet but the best way to top our Vitamin D levels is through sun exposure. However, our English climate means sunshine can be sparse, and many people suffer from low Vitamin D levels which can cause them to feel depressed, tired, have muscle weakness, hair loss and even issues with their bones.

Many people take oral Vitamin D supplements to give themselves a boost, particularly in autumn and winter, but a Vitamin D injection is even more powerful as it bypasses the gut for maximum absorption. Going straight to your bloodstream, this booster will counteract the lack of sunshine with a mega dose of this essential nutrient, along with essential vitamins and minerals.

The perfect remedy for the darker months, you can be assured your immunity against flu and other illnesses will be boosted. Your overall health and wellbeing will be vastly improved, with this vitamin shot also benefiting your mood, so you will be less likely to feel down despite the weather with improved energy levels.

Benefits of Vitamin D Injections
Boosts energy levels
Boosts immune system and fights infection
Helps to fight stress and tiredness
Encourages healthy muscles
Strengthens bones by helping the body to absorb calcium
Protects the body against illness and disease
Can boost mood and alleviate symptoms linked to depression
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About biotin hair growth injections

Repair and strengthen your hair from the inside out with our intramuscular Biotin hair growth Injection.

What is Biotin injection and how does it work?

Has your hair become fine and dry? Have you noticed shedding? Let’s try a more functional approach instead of just treating the symptoms of hair loss.

The condition of our hair reflects our inner health. Brittle, thinning hair can all be signs of a Biotin deficiency. Biotin is readily available in food, so those with a deficiency may well have a genetic issue preventing full absorption.
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Biotin Hair Growth Injection

Our Biotin hair growth injection (IM) is a single injection taken at regular intervals. It’s designed to get to the root of the problem by addressing deficiencies in order to restore your hair’s health. 

However, if you are experiencing a period of continual hair loss, we recommend combining this injection with hair growth treatments such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and scalp micro-needling.
Benefits of Biotin injections
Strengthen thinning hair and nails
Help prevent hair loss
Support hair regrowth and thickness
Reduce breakage and split ends
Additional Biotin benefits include:
Increased metabolism and faster weight loss
Improvement in blood glucose
8 or 10 point face lift using dermal fillers.

A full face approach to give a youthful, fresher appearance. A subtle yet noticeable difference. Areas targeted are nasolabial (mouth to chin lines), marionettes (nose to mouth lines), cheek augmentation, nose tip lift, temple hollows and jaw enhancement.
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Address: 4 Torrisholme Square, 
Torrisholme, LA4 6NJ

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